Listening to: I'm Not Calling You A Liar - Florence + The Machine.
Mood: Tired.
Chatting to: Bas, Brendan, Erin, Liam.
I'm not calling you a liar
Just don't lie to me
I had an amazing weekend.
On Saturday, Erin, Laura and I went and got coffee in the city. (Yes, we miss Starbucks that much.) The weather was terrible, though, so as soon as we had our coffee we decided to go back to Blacktown and stay in Westpoint for a bit. We ended up going into Playtime (the arcade, for non-Blacktowners) and playing air hockey.
My arm stills hurts from that, by the way. I'm terrible at air hockey. But funny to watch, apparently, so that was good enough. I kind of just...flail. Erin thrashed me. Like, 7 - 3 or something. But then Laura thrashed her, so it was all good.
Then. Sticker photos. For like, the first time in aaaaaaages. I forgot that they give you a time limit to edit those things... But we ended up with some pretty good ones. Especially the one with question marks around Laura's head.
We got dinner at Noodle Extra (Extra's a funny word.) and all ended up getting the same thing. Fuck yeah vegetarian noodles. Although, Noodle Box is better. Unfortunately, only in Queensland, I think.
I'm not calling you a thief
Just don't steal from me
Onto yesterday.
I ran into my friend Dyz at Blacktown station, which was random. I haven't seen her in years. I met her on a forum, and we had met in person a few times, but this was completely surprising. Nice, though, because it meant I didn't have to get the train alone.
I got into Central station at 11, which was when Brendan was supposed to be meeting me.
Around quarter past, I think, I get a phone call.
"Uhh, I only just woke up."
I managed to figure out how to get the bus to his house, though. After much talking to the shopkeeper guy.
"Are you SURE this is the right ticket?"
"I don't know, I just sell them."
I get off a stop early (Which is only, what, a hundred metres away I think.) and walk over to Brendan, who is standing there holding a mug of coffee. He looked wonderfully pretentious, and I informed him of this fact.
So, after a brief stay at his house in which I dumped my jacket and told Brendan's sister I was jealous of her (SHE HAS TWO PAIRS OF DOC MARTENS. NOT FAIR.), we headed to Rozelle Markets, which I have probably spelled wrong. Doesn't matter, though, they have some amaaaaaaazing second-hand stuff there. I wish I could go every weekend. Lack of funds, however, stops me. Gah.
I bought an awesome shirt and pair of shoes from the Vinnies across the road, too. Mmm, bargains. I love secondhand shopping so much. Cheap, awesome stuff. This makes Ree happy.
On the train home, a cute guy talked to me. It was...weird, but awesome. I got a phone number. Not sure what I'm going to do, though. I don't have any credit, anyway.
And then I got locked into Westpoint. Yeah, that was a bit stupid. Thank goodness that random cleaner guy let me out.
I'm not calling you a ghost
Just stop haunting me
Booked my L's test for tomorrow. Nervous? Me? Pfft.
Ah well, Dad's paying.
This afternoon Erin, Laura and I went to Blacktown Pool. They wanted to do laps to practice for their swimming carnival on Thursday, I wanted to distract them. I won.
Erin and I attempted to teach Laura one of our pool rituals, also known as "WOOOSH". She couldn't quite twist right.
Erin and I have been going to the pool together for...ages, now. Half of our inside jokes were formed there. And, true to tradition, a new one was formed today.
"Breaststroke will now be known as 'inverted sternum stroke' to avoid offending people."
Only a few people will get that. But that's the point of the inside joke.
I'm really tired. And I'm having trouble eating. It's frustrating. But I'm trying.
With everything.
All I can do is try.
And I love you so much
I'm gonna let you kill me
Yeah, apologies for my delayed sleep phase syndrome :P
Dedication noticed xD
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